GIT Basics to Advance

Git Basics to Advance

  • ( 4.8 ) (6 Reviews) 5 étudiants inscrits

Aperçu du cours

Key Features

  • 4+ Hours Interactive learning
  • Hands-on Exercises
  • 1 Quiz
  • Lifetime Access
  • Digital Certificate & Badge on Course Completion


Git is an open-source version control software created by Linus Torvalds, creator of Linux kernel that allows users to track changes and manage different versions of projects as they change over time. Git users can create a solo project or with teams and quickly identify changes made, especially if issues arise within the code. The git repository behaves a little differently than other version control software. It stores your changes in a series of snapshots instead of creating sets of files (a system sometimes known as delta-based version control). Git needs only local files, so the speed of use is a considerable improvement over other systems that have network latency. Using Git gives you access to every version, but it doesn't feel like every version loaded into your system.

Git allows each git user to host a full repository directly on the individual computer. Git commands give each user full access to their local repository even when offline, synching with the larger remote repository the next time connectivity is available. The repository contains a series of git commit objects and references to those objects (heads). Commits refer to each change in the project with references to the parent commit objects, plus something called SHA1 ( a unique code that identifies each commit). The git log shows file changes and new branches keep everything organized. Learning Git allows you to manage large scale projects and track changes from a vastly efficient network that's housed on each computer. Users execute git pulls to integrate their newest changes with the remote repository. Versions are under control and teams can work on parallel projects through git branches.


Quelles sont les exigences?

  • Should know basics of Development and Testing
  • Java basic programming knowledge would be an added advantage

Que vais-je retirer de ce cours?

  • Understand the differences between Git, Github and Gitlab
  • Install and configure Git for use
  • Use Git to manage files using CLI commands
  • Create, Clone and manage repositories
  • Reviewing audit trails
  • Perform Branching, Merging and Rebasing
  • Prevent and resolve merge conflicts
  • Understand common Git workflows
  • Perform basic troubleshooting of Git

Quel est le public cible?

  • Anyone interested in learning Git

A propos de l'auteur

We at SkillRary strive to provide simple yet powerful training or tuition on all domains. This organization has started with a mindset to share the knowledge that the internet or an individual has in a progressive manner. SkillRary is an online training programme, trying to get the best content for all on a very low cost and thereby helping everyone with a digital schooling and online education.  

SkillRary provides computer based training (CBT), distance learning or e-learning, that takes place completely on the internet. The courses involve a variety of multimedia elements, including graphics, audio, video, and web-links which can be accessed to the enrolled clients.

In addition to presenting course materials and content, SkillRary gives the students the opportunity for live interactions and real-time feedback in the form of quizzes and tests. Interactions between the instructor and students are also conducted via chat, e-mail or other web-based communication. Unlike any other, we here also let the students know which module has to be gone through first. All the modules are placed according to the lesson plans so that students will know what to refer first.

SkillRary is self-paced and customizable to suit an individual's specific learning needs. Therefore it can be conducted at any time and place, provided there is a computer or smartphone with high-speed internet access. This makes it very convenient to the users who can modify their training to fit into their day-to-day schedule. All our users will be able to use our eLearning system to its full capacity.

Curriculum du cours

Recorded Videos
8 Video Lectures | 1 Quiz | 04:34:29

  • Introduction
  • Difference between Git, GitHub and GitLab
  • Starting with Git
  • Download and Install Git
  • Create, Clone and Manage Repositories
  • Branching, Merging and Rebasing
  • Git Log - Audit Trial
  • Git Workflows
  • Git -Quiz 1
    10 Questions


  • Janardhan Nagaraj
    Overall good course. Recommended for a quick start in learning Git. The instructor gave a very good explanation to all levels , from basic to advanced.
  • Naushad Alam
    Amazing Course, would recommend this to everyone
  • Deepak Choubey
    Never thought learning git would be this easy!!!!!!
  • Niranjan Talke
    Good Course, would appreciate more quizes on the various other topics.
  • preethi S
  • Deepika M
    very informative