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Workshop on Cyber Security at AIT

  • Swetha Y
  • May 19, 2020
  • 0 comment(s)

Acharya Institute of Technology- Cyber Security Workshop



Workshop Highlights: 


• Importance of Cyber Security in Our Daily Life
• Data Security and Hide Techniques 
• Spyware, Keylogger and Virus Security
• Internet Surfing 
• Theory
• Practical
• Assessment
• Q/A

Ethical Hacking is an important tool in many national security agencies and companies. To become an Ethical Hacker or Security Expert one must think out of the box with the mentality to catch a thief. 

Cyber Security protects the data and integrity of computing assets belonging to or connecting to an organisation’s network. Its purpose is to defend those assets against all threat actors throughout the entire life cycle of a cyber-attack. 

An ethical hacker is ultimate security professional. Ethical hackers know how to find and exploit vulnerabilities and weakness in various systems- just like a malicious hacker. They both use the same skills; however, an ethical hacker uses those skills in a legitimate, lawful manner to try to find vulnerabilities and fix them before the bad guys can get there and try to break in. 

An ethical hacker’s role is similar to that of a penetration tester, but it involves broader duties. They break into systems legally and ethically. This is the primary difference between ethical hackers and real hackers- the legality. 

This workshop was specifically designed to provide the right knowledge to the aspiring Hacking and Cyber Security enthusiasts. This workshop explored the various means that an intruder has, to gain access to computer resources. It will investigate weaknesses by discussing the theoretical background behind, and whenever possible, actually performing the attack. 

The duration of this workshop was for two consecutive days with eight hours session each day, in a total of sixteen hours, conveniently divided into theory and hand-on practical sessions.  

One of the examples of ethical hacking is that hotel managers and clients that had nightmares due to one lock hack. 

In this Forbes story, reporters chronicle the chaos experienced by hotel managers and the panic felt by their customers after a burglar used online hacking tools to bypass the electronic locks on the doors.

“I had dreams about it for many nights. I’d wake up and think I saw someone standing there at my desk,” says one of the victims of a burglary.

Simply put, the burglar watched a Black Hat Conference speaker demonstrating how to hack a certain type of electronic lock using only $50 worth of widely available tools. He then used that Onity-lock hack to do a series of break-ins.

How did this cautionary tale end? On a bittersweet note. The original burglar is serving a prison sentence, but the electronic locks in question can still be easily hacked.


A Wired reporter tried it himself, almost 6 years after the original Onity hack, and it still worked. He managed to break into a hotel room. His story is amazing and it follows the birth of the original hacking method, how the burglar got to it and what came out of the entire publicized event.

This is just the tip of the iceberg that is Cybercrime. It is reported that close to 3400 cases of cybercrimes were reported in the year 2018 in India. And, this number is ever increasing with over 400 million internet users in the country making it the second-largest internet population in the world. The only way to protect this from happening is to raise the number of ethical hackers!


To know more about the employment opportunities in the field of cybersecurity, click on the link




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