
soft skills

Have you ever wondered how it is that some people seem to have enough time to do everything that they want to, whereas others are always rushing from task to task, and never seem to finish anything? It cannot just be that some people have less to do. It’s much more likely that they are using their time more effectively: in other words, showi


It’s no easy feat to stand up and talk in front of people—whether it’s five or 50 or 500. In fact, surveys have found that public speaking has long been one of the things we fear most. Unfortunately, in many professions, some amount of public speaking is necessary. It might be that you need to present in a small meeting, give an


Many people struggle with writing in English and it can seem like a real challenge to improve. Don’t worry, though. Here are some simple steps that you can take to improve your written English and impress people with your writing skills. 1. Expand your vocabulary To express yourself clearly, you need a good active vocabulary. That’s n


Interpersonal skills are also known as social skills. The process of using social skills is called socialization. We all learned socialization skills at an early age. Before we could even talk we were learning socialization skills from the caregivers around us. In the workplace, social skills are known as interpersonal skills. Both social skills an


What is the ideal way to develop leadership? Every society provides its answer to this question, and each, in groping for answers, defines its deepest concerns about the purposes, distributions, and uses of power. The business has contributed its answer to the leadership question by evolving a new breed called the manager. Simultaneously, the busin
